Despite all their efforts to remain secret, God placed His spy to spoil their plot. Was this God’s protection of Paul or, was it to perform His plan? Both.
Tag Archives: Satan
Satan-filled heart | Acts 5:1-11
When you read that Satan filled Ananias’ heart, who else comes to mind? Judas? Luke 22:3 tells us, “Satan entered Judas”.
One little word | Matthew 17:14-18
Jesus spoke the word and the demon was cast out. Jesus has the power. In the hymn, “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God,” “one little word shall fell him” – Satan.
Stronger than strong man | Matthew 12:25-29
Satan has power. But, as evidenced by Jesus casting out demons and people getting healed, Jesus is stronger than the strong man. He is able to bind him.
God surprised? | Genesis 3:6-7
Was God surprised? Since God is omniscient and knows all things, He had to know Adam and Eve would sin. Some will then ask, “Why did he proceed with creation?”
The first lies | Genesis 3:1-5
Here begins the story of man’s decline into sin and rejection of God that led to Christ’s suffering and death. Up to now, everything was very good (Gen 1:31).