So here are the first fruit, Cain and Abel. In addition, we have the first fruit of the first fruit, as an offering. Cain was a farmer, Abel, a shepherd.
Tag Archives: creation
Evicted from Eden | Genesis 3:22-24
The process of evicting them created a physical separation from God’s presence in paradise – which had already happened spiritually.
Better than LOUIS VUITTON | Genesis 3:20-21
He was willing to accept them after their sin and still love and provide for them. This is agape love, love of decision, not based on feelings.
Sin consequences – mankind | Genesis 3:16-19
We’ve seen the consequences of sin meted out on the serpent. Today, the consequences of sin continue with mankind as we’ll see through the end of the chapter.
Sin consequences – serpent | Genesis 3:14-15
All sin has consequences. The serpent, Eve and Adam and all experienced consequences. These were not just for Adan and Eve; they cascade down to all mankind.
Where are you? | Genesis 3:8-13
God calls out to Adam and asks, “Where are you?” Surely God knew. A similar rhetorical question is asked of Cain in Gen 4:9 – “Where is Abel your brother?”
God surprised? | Genesis 3:6-7
Was God surprised? Since God is omniscient and knows all things, He had to know Adam and Eve would sin. Some will then ask, “Why did he proceed with creation?”
The first lies | Genesis 3:1-5
Here begins the story of man’s decline into sin and rejection of God that led to Christ’s suffering and death. Up to now, everything was very good (Gen 1:31).
Leave and cleave => one | Genesis 2:24-25
God commanded mankind to be fruitful and multiply. Now He tells them how. It’s not just a sexual means, though that is certainly the literal way…
Woman, Wedding, Wisdom | Genesis 2:21-23
At this wedding, Adam beholds Eve for the first time (a true arranged marriage) and gives thanks that the Lord made a helper just like him, one with whom he …