John to encourage fellowship with God. So we press on in our knowledge of Him through consuming His Word to us, communication with Him and other believers…
Tag Archives: Jesus is God
Through Him we believe | 1 Peter 1:20-21
Through Christ, and Him alone, we believe in God the Father. The Father raised Jesus from the dead after His sacrificial death. He gave glory to Jesus.
Jesus needs baptism? | Matthew 3:13-15
John represents us in asking, “Why do you, Jesus, need to be baptized? You are the Messiah, the Savior. How can I, a sinner, baptize you, the sinless Savior?”
A Prophet like Moses | Acts 3:22-26
As Peter concludes his preaching, he again points back to prophecy – as he did in his first sermon (Acts 2:14-36). This time, it’s to Moses.
Beyond all doubt | Acts 2:34-36
So if the last OT quote didn’t convince them of Jesus’ identity as the promised Messiah, then this one from Psalm 110:1 will.
Awestruck with wonder | Matthew 17:4-8
As Peter unveils this grand plan, suddenly clouds come, the Father speaks. They are awestruck with wonder. They realize they’re in the presence of a holy God.
Makings of a mocking | Matthew 27:27-31
They mocked Him as king. But the writer of Hebrews records that Jesus is God and seated at the right hand of God, the Father.
Corrupt but Correct judgment | Matthew 26:65-68
Actually, their corrupt process leads to a correct judgment. But it’s not correct according to their false accusations. It’s correct according to God’s plan.
Lynching by Kangaroo Court | Matthew 26:59-64
Not only does He accept this title, He adds to it that He will be seated in Heaven and come with the clouds. This is a clear claim to be God.
Father’s will be done | Matthew 26:51-54
The Father’s will will be done! Prophecy will be fulfilled! Sin will be atoned for! Christ will rise victorious over sin and death and set all captives free!