Daily Word

Daily Consideration of God’s Word

Shimen resevoir, Taiwan

Latest Posts

  • Abide for eternal life | 1 John 2:24-25 
    Are we abiding in what we have known from the beginning? Are we abiding in the Lord? Take action now to repent, come, believe, love, and listen. Abide in Him.
  • Father and Son package | 1 John 2:20-23
    John is very clear: those who deny the Son deny the Father as well. They are literally inseparable. You can’t have one without the other.
  • Antichrist false teachers | 1 John 2:18-19
    In this passage, and in most of the letter, John is addressing the antichrists or people with the antichrist spirit, especially the false teachers among us.
  • What’s in your love tank? | 1 John 2:15-17
    What’s in our love tank? Where do we seek fulfillment and gratification? Do we believe the lies of the world and go there or do we trust His Word and go to God?
  • All in the family | 1 John 2:12-14 
    Whater your spirituual maturity, Press on! Keep seeking the Lord through trials and joys, delighting in Him, knowing Him, worshipping and trusting Him.

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