We are promised that when we sow to the Spirit, fruit of the Spirit will be produced. And ultimately, it results in eternal life from the Spirit.
Tag Archives: spiritual gifts
Prophecy of problems | Acts 21:1-9
Prophecy is a gift of the Spirit. All are for the building up of the body of Christ. They are to be developed and used as the Spirit distributes (1 Cor 12:11).
Healing by the gods | Acts 14:8-13
The people believe their Greek gods have become like men and come down to visit men and perform miracles as proof. Well, they are partially correct.
Barnabas & Saul ministry | Acts 11:22-26
Paul & Barnabas did much great ministry together. They took a financial gift from the Antioch church to the Jerusalem church when a famine hit (we’ll see soon).
Simon’s sin baggage | Acts 8:14-25
Simon has a lot of baggage from his former life as a sorcerer, doing the work of the Devil. This is revealed in an ugly way. Peter rebukes him quite severely.
“Amazer” becomes amazed | Acts 8:9-13
Even Simon believes what Philip is preaching and gets baptized. He hangs around Philip – to keep seeing the miracles. The one who amazed others becomes amazed!
Power beyond the Apostles | Acts 6:8-15
As noted before, as the apostles are not just praying and teaching but also serving, so the deacons were not just handling church matters, but also did ministry
Satan-filled heart | Acts 5:1-11
When you read that Satan filled Ananias’ heart, who else comes to mind? Judas? Luke 22:3 tells us, “Satan entered Judas”.
Language miracle | Acts 2:5-13
The language miracle had many purposes including: demonstrate the power of the Spirit, fulfill what Jesus promised, and to communicate the truths of God.