This teaching was very practical and taught so the common folk (Jews) would understand but challenging enough they’d need to think hard how it related to them
Category Archives: Matthew
Teach, Proclaim, Heal | Matthew 4:23-25
As He went from place to place, He did works to prove His identity and authority and to bring glory to the Father (Matt 5:16). But He didn’t just do miracles.
Calling The Chosen | Matthew 4:18-22
Why does Jesus need disciples? The most practical reason was to help spread their teaching with the intent of reaching as many people as can benefit.
Jesus’ ministry begins | Matthew 4:12-17
What message did Jesus preach? It’s the same message as John the Baptist, his forerunner. Repent! (Matthew 3:2) This same message applies to people today.
Temptation 2 – Test God | Matthew 4:5-7
The Devil again questions who Jesus is, what the truth is. He puts Jesus in a place of danger and tempts Him to test if the Father will really protect Him
Temptation 3 – worship what? | Matthew 4:8-11
This 3rd one is to reject worship of God and worship something else. The Devil tempts Jesus with worldly wealth and power if He will worship him.
Baptized in temptation | Matthew 4:1-4
It’s time for another sort of baptism, one of temptation. This is “baptism” in the sense He was immersed in temptation.i.e., He received the maximum temptation
Spirit settles, Father commends | Matt. 3:16-17
At the same time, the Father spoke audibly declaring Jesus is His beloved Son. He also spoke words that any child wants to hear, “I am very pleased with you
Winnowing fork | Matthew 3:11-12
The Messiah will sift people in judgment to see who is good “fruit” and who is chaff. The ones who produce no fruit of repentance will be gathered and burned
Fruit of repentance | Matthew 3:7-10
True repentance must bear fruit. This is similar to James’ statement that true faith must be demonstrated by works (James 2:18).