Daily Word

Calling The Chosen | Matthew 4:18-22

18 While walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon (who is called Peter) and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. 19 And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” 20 Immediately they left their nets and followed him. 21 And going on from there he saw two other brothers, James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, in the boat with Zebedee their father, mending their nets, and he called them. 22 Immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him. 

Matthew 4:18-22 (ESV)

Why disciples?

Jesus is now ready to start His ministry. He’s been identified through John’s baptism, and the Father and Spirit, as the Messiah  He’s passed the temptation test. Now He seeks disciples.

Why does Jesus need disciples? For one, it was the tradition that all spiritual leaders / teachers had disciples. In some ways it legitimized their ministry. Yet the most practical reason was what? To help spread their teaching with the intent of reaching as many people as can benefit, from the present into the future. So the selection of the disciples was a critical next step in His ministry. 

Calling the Chosen

Capernaum, where Jesus was living, was right on the Sea of Galilee where a thriving fishing community existed. So it makes sense that His first disciples were fishermen. Fishermen were just common folk, probably not “religious”, focused on making a living – maybe even living day-to-day.

First to be called were (Simon) Peter and Andrew. Soon after, he saw James and John with their father Zebedee and called them as well. Three of them, James, John and Peter became part of His inner circle of disciples.


What I find amazing, you may also. How did all four of them respond? Jesus called and they responded immediately. They didn’t consult anyone, nor did they sit down to determine what this means or the impact on them and their families. They just went and followed. Did they know Jesus prior to that? They may have known of Him, but probably didn’t know Him.

And, the call was first to follow. Then, they would and could become fishers of men. We also must keep that order. And we also must fish! “And while God may not require you to give up your career, following Him will guarantee that you will never see your career in the same way again. Where you “fish” is not important. But if you follow, you must fish.” (Joe Stowell in Our Daily Bread)


  • “God usually calls people as they are busy doing something. Jesus called the apostles as they were casting a net into the sea or mending their nets.” (enduringword.com) What are you busy doing? Are you fishing for men? Don’t feel guilty if you’re not, feel convicted by the Spirit. Seek Him. Know that this is part of your purpose in life and when you fulfill it, there is joy and fulfillment.
The Chosen movie. Image from angel.com *

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