The crowd was astonished at Jesus’ teaching in this Sermon in Christian Living. As we noted above, He covered a lot of topics. Most differed from the religious.
Tag Archives: worship
Worry or worship? | Matthew 6:28-30
So should we worry? Or should we choose to worship, to give thanks to the Heavenly Father for what He so generously provides?
Which (whom) do you serve? | Matthew 6:24
Which do you serve? God or the idol of money? In verses 19-21, Jesus asks: Where is your treasure? Where are you investing your resources? Whom do you serve?
Temptation 3 – worship what? | Matthew 4:8-11
This 3rd one is to reject worship of God and worship something else. The Devil tempts Jesus with worldly wealth and power if He will worship him.
The baby King | Matthew 2:7-12
But the worship was not for the star. They came to see the infant King which the star led them to. All their gifts were for Him.
Went to worship | Matthew 2:1-2
They came from the East (possibly China) where they saw a special star. They realized that the star indicated a King was born. They went to worship.
Isaac Calls on the Lord | Genesis 26:23-25
And when God appears, Isaac responds immediately by calling on the name of the Lord and pitching his tent there – meaning he started living there.
Re-tell your God story | Genesis 24:34-49
We get to hear a re-telling of the story “by the servant”, It allows us to glimpse into his heart of hearts and we see how the Lord is central.
Signs of hope | Genesis 4:25-26
Seth was another sign of hope – that God would provide. The first sign was the promise to Eve that her seed would crush the serpent’s head. Then Seth had Enosh.
Let there be lights – Day 4 | Genesis 1:14-19
When we look at the sky, especially on a clear night in the middle of nowhere, we can be amazed at all the stars. Truly they cannot be counted.