In fact, our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19) who abides in all followers of Christ. How do we treat our meeting with God?
Tag Archives: worship
Respond to His hand | Ezra 7:27-28 (NASB)
Maybe the problem is we aren’t looking for God to work so when He does, we miss it. A 1st step might be to ask for spiritual eyes of faith to see Him working.
Useless service? | Malachi 3:13-15
I hope after honest reflection we can understand who God is, repent of a sinful attitude, and joyfully worship and serve Him – despite the visible outcome.
Worship men as gods | Acts 14:14-18
Paul and Baranabas are alarmed at the response of the Lystra dwellers, wanting to make them gods and offer them sacrifices. Do we get caught up & worship men?
Healing by the gods | Acts 14:8-13
The people believe their Greek gods have become like men and come down to visit men and perform miracles as proof. Well, they are partially correct.
Addressing the bias | Acts 10:24-29
Peter knows why God gave him the vision a few days prior. God was clarifying a new definition of unclean and holy – based not on the physical but the spiritual.
History trial – God’s dwelling | Acts 7:44-50
Stephen concludes by telling his prosecutors and judges that though the Temple is magnificent, God had declared the obvious – it could in no way contain Him.
History trial – wrong worship | Acts 7:39-43
After God’s deliverance of Israel from Egypt through the Red Sea, they still rejected Moses – and God Himself. They longed to return to Egypt and its gods.
Awestruck with wonder | Matthew 17:4-8
As Peter unveils this grand plan, suddenly clouds come, the Father speaks. They are awestruck with wonder. They realize they’re in the presence of a holy God.
God’s treasure | Matthew 10:26-31
Have you thought about our awesome God and how He cares for us, for you? Take some time to ponder this thought. Respond in worship and praise. Sing if you will.