Since they began with the Spirit (and faith), does it make sense to give this up and fall for a false gospel that requires works? Do we believe a false gospel?
Tag Archives: salvation
Repossessed encore | Galatians 2:20-21
When we become a Christian, when we die with Christ, our new spiritual man (being) evicts the old me (mind, emotions, will) and Christ comes in to rule.
Jailer and family freed | Acts 16:31-34
Just as God freed Paul and Barnabas from the physical jail, He now frees the jailer and his whole household from the spiritual jail of sin.
Rerouting by God | Acts 16:6-10
What direction are you headed? Are you seeking to do God’s will? Are you, like Paul, so committed to His way that you’re ready to give up yours, if He so leads?
Persecution: par for the course | Acts 13:42-52
Persecution is becoming par for the course for Paul. And it won’t let up, but gets worse. Each place he goes he boldly proclaims the truth. Some believe.
Heed the call | Acts 13:32-41
Have you heeded the call to repent of your sins and believe in Jesus as the Christ, your Savior? This is our only way to be, “made right in God’s sight”
Even more gentiles believe | Acts 11:19-21
Even more gentiles were believing. This was just the beginning of an explosion of gentiles coming to faith in Christ which would soon exceed the Jews doing so.
Spirit falls on Gentiles | Acts 10:44-48
This is a big deal for the early church (and us). It demonstrates (starting with God’s vision for Peter) that Gentiles are equally welcome in the Kingdom.
Peters Gospel message | Acts 10:36-43
Do you believe this Good news? Your sins are many and results in separation from God for eternity in the lake of fire. Christ died and paid the penalty in full.
Working of a miracle | Acts 9:36-43
We can’t let the wonder or the details of the miracle distract us from the purpose. What was that? That people would believe.