Poor Eutychus can’t Paul’s long teaching. He picked a bad spot to sleep – a window on the 3rd floor! It was a window to heaven since he fell to his death.
Tag Archives: miracle
Prayer answered | Acts 12:12-19
Is there something you prayed for diligently, that couldn’t happen, but you persevered? Remember that time & thank God for how He answered. Share if you would.
Working of a miracle | Acts 9:36-43
We can’t let the wonder or the details of the miracle distract us from the purpose. What was that? That people would believe.
Peter back in the spotlight | Acts 9:32-35
Now the focus shifts back to Peter the disciple. He is traveling through the regions outside Jerusalem (v31) doing his ministry – like healing crippled Aenaes.
Food faith test two | Matthew 15:32-39
We sit in our self-righteous chairs and judge their lack of faith. But notice, as with the last time, Jesus doesn’t say anything about their faith.
Healing methods | Matthew 14:34-36
To some extent, He allows Himself to be limited by our faith, our asking. Ask! Ask for more than you expect, something only God can do!
Truly God’s Son! | Matthew 14:28-32
The wind and waves cease. Immediately! What’s the reaction of the disciples? Nothing to do but worship. Together they exclaim, “You are truly God’s Son!”
Fear of the known | Matthew 14:22-27
Usually fear is associated with the unknown. In this case, there’s a twist. The disciples saw what appeared to be Jesus but assumed was a ghost.
Offer what you have | Matthew 14:15-21
The emphasis is on offering what we have to the Lord’s work, expectingly asking Him to make something out of it for the Kingdom, then sharing it with others.
Two messages | Matthew 12:43-45
There are two messages here. The first, more obvious one, is for the individual. When a demon is cast out replace it with possession by the Holy Spirit,