Paul quickly arranged to meet with the Jewish leaders to explain why he is in Rome and why the chains. 1st he explains that, though in chains, he is innocent.
Tag Archives: prisoner
Guarded freedom | Acts 28:11-16
Paul was a prisoner so he needs to be guarded. But (possibly due to his great help on the voyage) he was given freedoms not often accorded to prisoners.
Jailer and family freed | Acts 16:31-34
Just as God freed Paul and Barnabas from the physical jail, He now frees the jailer and his whole household from the spiritual jail of sin.
Prison mates | Genesis 40:1-8
The cupbearer and chief baker were pretty high up in the Pharaoh’s staff. If someone wanted to assassinate the Pharaoh, food and drink were one way to do it.
Prisoners of Hope | Zech 9:11-13 (ESV)
“If you let your circumstances define the way you see God, you are a prisoner of perspective… But if you let God define the way you see your circumstances, you are a prisoner of hope.”