Why didn’t Jesus do as they said and come down from the cross. That would have proved He is Messiah right? They’d all believe, just like they say here, yes?
Tag Archives: Passion
Jesus ain’t no sissy | Matthew 27:33-37
Jesus didn’t want to diminish the pain of suffering on the cross in any way; He wanted to bear the full brunt of it. Jesus was not a sissy or wimp!
Take up your cross | Matthew 27:32
We take up our cross *daily*. It’s a constant decision. At each decision point in life, even during the day, we should choose to deny ourselves.
Makings of a mocking | Matthew 27:27-31
They mocked Him as king. But the writer of Hebrews records that Jesus is God and seated at the right hand of God, the Father.
Who killed Jesus? | Matthew 27:24-26
Is God the Father really responsible for Jesus’ death? Take a look at these verses: Matthew 26:39, Acts 2:23, Isaiah 53:4, 10, Romans 8:32.
Who’s in control? | Matthew 27:19-23
Who is in control of your life? We can surely make decisions. At the same time, God is working His will in the world. How, where do these intersect / overlap?
The choice is yours | Matthew 27:15-18
Facing some choices? How to come to a decision? Look to God and His Word first. Trust in Jesus with all your heart… Proverbs 3:5-6. Delight in Him… Psalm 37:4.
Silent before false accusations | Matt 27:11-14
When we face false accusations are we able to remain silent and trust the Lord to be our defender and the One who has laid the path before us?
Are you in despair? | Matthew 27:3-10
Are you in despair simlar to Judas? Go beyond him. Confess your sin, yes. Repent, yes. But repent to God. And believe Christ died for you, a sinner.
Send him to Pilate | Matthew 27:1-2
They agreed to send Jesus to Pilate for execution. They needed a just cause. Breaking their religious rules (like blasphemy) was not just cause to the Romans.