Peter made this critical point in his first message (Acts 2:22) as well. “You killed Him”. They were responsible for Jesus’ death.
Tag Archives: Jesus-death
Who killed Jesus? | Matthew 27:24-26
Is God the Father really responsible for Jesus’ death? Take a look at these verses: Matthew 26:39, Acts 2:23, Isaiah 53:4, 10, Romans 8:32.
Who can be saved? | Matthew 19:23-26
Are you trusting in yourself or some other person, some other way, than Jesus Christ’s sacrifice to forgive you of your sin.
Not the end | Matthew 17:22-23
“I will be killed”. This makes them extremely sad. But Jesus continues and follows up with good news – that He will rise from the dead after 3 days.
If they only knew | John 19:1-11
If they only knew this was indeed the King of the Jews, the King of all mankind, lo, the King of Kings that they were face-to-face with, mocking and beating!
Imitate my courage | John 16:29-32
Jesus didn’t want to further trouble them; He knew they probably couldn’t understand. He showed tremendous courage and expected His disciples to pattern this.
Overcomers | John 16:33 (NASB)
All (except John) would be killed. But, they will have peace in the midst of these tribulations. He wants them to face it with courage and faith.
Confusion, grief, joy | John 16:16-22
As the situation changes, our emotions change. But God doesn’t change. The truth never changes. For eternity, faith, hope and love remain. (1 Cor 13:13).
In the dark | John 12:16-19 (NLT)
The disciples didn’t make the connection of OT prophecy to what was happening before them. They seem to have been mostly clueless to Jesus’ true, full identity.
The hour has come | John 12:20-24
20 Now among those who went up to worship at the feast were some Greeks. 21 So these came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, and asked him, “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.” 22 Philip went and told Andrew; Andrew and Philip went and told Jesus. 23 And Jesus answered them, “The …