Eventually, the king ordered Isaac to leave. They couldn’t handle his affluence. They perceived he was becoming a threat. Things were not so well after all.
Tag Archives: Isaac
Famine of Faith | Genesis 26:6-11
Isaac lied about his wife – saying she was his sister, not his wife. Why? Same reason. Living out of fear rather than faith. Call it a famine of faith.
Following father’s footsteps | Genesis 26:1-5
As in Abraham’s time, a famine struck the land. As with Abraham, Isaac decided to move to avoid the famine. Like Abraham, he didn’t seek the Lord.
Love of a husband | Genesis 25:19-26
In comparison, we see Isaac, the promised son, having no word from God and with no son for almost 20 years. What does he do?
Ishmael interlude | Genesis 25:12-18
Ishmael, as God promised, had sons – 12 of them. Just like Isaac’s son, Jacob, will have twelve sons. These became the Arabs of today, most of whom are Muslim.
Consummation of His will | Genesis 24:62-67
At long last the epic journey of faith is concluded. The prize is provided by God’s faithfulness. He brings her into Sarah’s tent to consummates the marriage.
His Business First | Genesis 24:29-33
Do we put the Lord’s work ahead of our own pleasure and comfort? That doesn’t mean life is always difficult and free of comfort. It does mean that we should …
Chicken or egg? | Genesis 24:15-21
Where did the servant get the idea for this question? Did he come up with it and God orchestrated Rebekah to show up and have this heart of a servant? Or, …
Faith is contagious | Genesis 24:10-14
And like Abraham (and probably from Abraham), he had learned to trust God as Abraham did. Consider the challenge. He had to find his way back to Abraham’s home
Rock solid faith | Genesis 24:1-9
He knows without a doubt that Isaac is the one. He knows that he needs a wife, a godly wife for him. He knows God is faithful. His faith is solid as a rock.