Peter “takes them to court” and proves them blatantly wrong. He picks the event in the world that was the biggest change – the flood. No one denies the flood.
Tag Archives: flood
Flood like baptism | 1 Peter 3:21-22
Noah’s flood represents the baptism of believers. It is an “expression of a believer’s new life in Christ”. It is a sign of the cleansing of sin.
Rainbow covenant | Genesis 9:8-17
The rainbow was created by God to be a sign of promise, a covenant, between Him and mankind – and all flesh (the animals, birds and things).
Life in the blood | Genesis 9:1-7
Meat with blood – don’t eat it because the life is in the blood. It is sacred. To many, even the sight of blood makes them queasy.
First things first | Genesis 8:20-22
If you had been on the Ark for a year, what’s the first thing you would have done? Go for a run? Build a fence and herd the animals? Noah offers a sacrifice.
Awaiting God’s timing | Genesis 8:13-19
Why did they wait? He waited for God’s timing. It’s clear that they didn’t exit the Ark until God commanded them. Noah obeys and trusts in the Lord.
God remembered Noah | Genesis 8:1 – 12
What’s the main message of this passage? God remembered Noah (and all those on the ark). Of course He did, but God makes a point of highlighting this.
Water or blood washing | Genesis 7:17- 24
All who trust in Christ alone are washed by Christ’s blood – symbolized by baptism. Those who reject God are washed away in death, eternal separation from God.
God shut the door | Genesis 7:11-16
Good closed the door. As the waters rose, all doubters and critics suddenly became believers. But their fate was already sealed; the day of judgment had come.
In came the animals 2×2 | Genesis 7:6-10
So everything came in 2×2. Could Noah arrange for this and manage this? No way! It had to be God who used the migratory innate ability in many animals.