Tomorrow you will have concerns, yet God will provide for them as they occur. Do not increase the cares of this day by borrowing trouble respecting the future.
Tag Archives: trust
Wrong priority leads to worry | Matthew 6:25-27
Not only does worrying accomplish no good thing it cause all kinds of medical problems. More importantly, it displays that in our heart we don’t trust God.
Running on empty | Genesis 43:1-10
Jacob was reluctant to allow his youngest, Benjamin, to go to Egypt that he waited too long to send his sons to get more grain. They were running on empty.
Race for sons | Genesis 30:1-13
Leah had children because God saw she was unloved and opened her womb (Gen 29:31). But Rachel’s womb has not been opened by the Lord. Now the race is on.
Dealing faithfully | Genesis 23:1-9, 19 – 20
Not only was Abraham a man of faith regarding his interaction with the Lord as we’ve seen, he was also a man of faith when interacting with his neighbors.
Awaiting God’s timing | Genesis 8:13-19
Why did they wait? He waited for God’s timing. It’s clear that they didn’t exit the Ark until God commanded them. Noah obeys and trusts in the Lord.
Call on the Lord | Nehemiah 4:4-5 (NLT)
Nehemiah took his problem to the Lord. This reminds me of Psalm 18:3, “I call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised, And I am saved from my enemies.”
God’s careful watch | Ezra 5:3-5 (NLT)
What good work are you engaged in that God has prepared in advance for you to do? (Eph 2:10) Are you facing any opposition? If this is God’s work, He will …