They completely sold out to Pharaoh. Life is such a precious gift, people will give up everything, even self-determination, to keep life.
Tag Archives: famine
Flee the famine | Genesis 47:1-6
It also highlights a trend here among the family of Abraham: flee to Egypt during famines. Abraham did it (Genesis 12:10), Isaac was about to (Genesis 26:1-5).
And can it be?! | Genesis 45:4-15
This is wonderful news. Not just that Joseph is alive, but that God has provided salvation from the famine such that it won’t destroy them.
Running on empty | Genesis 43:1-10
Jacob was reluctant to allow his youngest, Benjamin, to go to Egypt that he waited too long to send his sons to get more grain. They were running on empty.
Standing around | Genesis 42:1-5
Jacob wonders why his sons have not taken action to go get grain. He exclaims, “Why are you standing around?! Get off your butts and provide for the family!”
Massive famine | Genesis 41:53-57
The seven years of famine began. The famine was so severe that no one remembered the years of plenty. The famine extended beyond Egypt to “all lands”.
Following father’s footsteps | Genesis 26:1-5
As in Abraham’s time, a famine struck the land. As with Abraham, Isaac decided to move to avoid the famine. Like Abraham, he didn’t seek the Lord.