We’re slaves to whatever controls us (v19) “Slavery, after all, occurs whenever one is under the control of some influence, not just some other person.”
Tag Archives: slavery
History trial – Moses delivers | Acts 7:30-38
Yesterday showed the Jews (represented by the man in the fight) rejected Moses – as they rejected Jesus. And this Moses was God’s chosen deliverer – like Jesus.
Willing slaves and taxpayers | Genesis 47:20-26
So in the end, the people are slaves with no land. On top of that, they have to pay a 20% income tax. And guess what, they are happy!
Sold out to Pharaoh | Genesis 47:13-19
They completely sold out to Pharaoh. Life is such a precious gift, people will give up everything, even self-determination, to keep life.
Caught off guard | Genesis 44:4-13
Little did they know that they were about to be caught off guard and framed. They’re accused of an act they didn’t commit – with no recourse to defend against.
Sold to slavery | Genesis 37:25-30
So Joseph is hauled up out of the cistern and sold off to the slave traders. These guys were fellow descendents of Abraham (through his first son, Ishmael).
Slaves in Promised Land | Nehemiah 9:32-37
They are back in the land. But they are slaves – since all their proceeds go to the foreign kings who rule over them. Slaves in the promised land.