Who are we? If we attempt to do good works for the Lord in our own name, what will be the effect? Who’s tried to do this? Raise your hand with me!
Tag Archives: demon-possessed
Fortune telling in the Bible | Acts 16:16-21
Divination “continues as those who … read palms, tea leaves, tarot cards, star charts, and more.” Much is smoke and mirrors; other is evil spirits.
One little word | Matthew 17:14-18
Jesus spoke the word and the demon was cast out. Jesus has the power. In the hymn, “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God,” “one little word shall fell him” – Satan.
Two messages | Matthew 12:43-45
There are two messages here. The first, more obvious one, is for the individual. When a demon is cast out replace it with possession by the Holy Spirit,
Stronger than strong man | Matthew 12:25-29
Satan has power. But, as evidenced by Jesus casting out demons and people getting healed, Jesus is stronger than the strong man. He is able to bind him.
Pharisees fear the facts | Matthew 12:22-24
The Pharisees, for their part, fear the facts. They try to dismiss it as they did in Matthew 9:32-34 when Jesus healed a mute, demon-possessed man.
Jesus heals everyone! | Matthew 9:35
He healed every sickness, every disease, every demon-possessed person. No exceptions. And the good news is, He’s still going about the same ministry.
Demon possession | Matthew 8:28-34
Followers of Jesus can surely be impacted and influenced by demons. Further, through sin and un-confession, we reduce the control of the Spirit on our lives.