The rape of Dinah begins the consequences for Jacob’s sins of yesterday. Shechem and their people will also suffer consequences.
Tag Archives: consequences
Bad luck battle | Genesis 14:1-12
Bad “luck” for the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah who got stuck in the tar pits (but somehow escaped – tomorrow). Bad “luck” for Lot. Or was it rather, bad choice?
First sin again | Genesis 9:18-28
A few months after they were out of the Ark and restarting civilisation, sin is back on the scene. But is it ever far from anyone at any time?
Sin consequences – serpent | Genesis 3:14-15
All sin has consequences. The serpent, Eve and Adam and all experienced consequences. These were not just for Adan and Eve; they cascade down to all mankind.
Severe consequences | Zechariah 11:1-3 (NASB)
The consequences of their turning from the Lord were severe and caused deep suffering. The trees (representing the people) wailed.
Dreary day | Ezra 10:7-9 (NASB)
Sometimes, to take the action needed, to get us to change, it takes consequences more severe than the action we need to take.