We have derailed desires and egregious expectations and then we either don’t ask or, when we do ask, we ask for the wrong reasons.
Tag Archives: big prayers
Prayer answered | Acts 12:12-19
Is there something you prayed for diligently, that couldn’t happen, but you persevered? Remember that time & thank God for how He answered. Share if you would.
Faith in prayer | Matthew 21:17-22
But there are conditions on receiving what we pray for. Certainly believing is a key component. But Jesus also tells us God answers according to His will…
Meager faith | Matthew 17:19-20
The disciple’s faith is meager. It’s not the size of their faith, or the amount, it’s the *quality* of their faith. And it’s the *object of* their faith.
Food faith test two | Matthew 15:32-39
We sit in our self-righteous chairs and judge their lack of faith. But notice, as with the last time, Jesus doesn’t say anything about their faith.
Healing methods | Matthew 14:34-36
To some extent, He allows Himself to be limited by our faith, our asking. Ask! Ask for more than you expect, something only God can do!
Moreover – added blessing | Ezra 6:8-10 (NLT)
In fact, I’m convinced that He wants us to ask “big prayers”. That is, He wants us to ask for the impossible so He can demonstrate His power and receive glory.