In fact, our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19) who abides in all followers of Christ. How do we treat our meeting with God?
Category Archives: Matthew
Jesus needs baptism? | Matthew 3:13-15
John represents us in asking, “Why do you, Jesus, need to be baptized? You are the Messiah, the Savior. How can I, a sinner, baptize you, the sinless Savior?”
Awestruck with wonder | Matthew 17:4-8
As Peter unveils this grand plan, suddenly clouds come, the Father speaks. They are awestruck with wonder. They realize they’re in the presence of a holy God.
Power to make disciples | Matthew 28:18-20
What does He command His disciples to do? Make disciples. Disciples go into the world and make more disciples then baptize them and teach to obey His commands.
Faltering faith fix | Matthew 28:16-17
Does your faith falter? It’s natural. How we respond makes the difference. If we ignore it, the enemy won’t let it go away and eventually our faith will erode.
Lie laid down | Matthew 28:11-15
Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels said if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth. Eventually that happened with the lie of the Pharisees.
Bursting with joy! | Matthew 28:8-10
Can you imagine what it must have been like when the women recognized Jesus?! Their joy must have been like an old garden hose that’s squirting water all over.
Grief to joy | Matthew 28:1-7
Can you imagine their emotional shock?! Their grief is eclipsed by fear of the angels while joy is rising like the warm sun as they see the empty tomb.
Was there a resurrection? | Matthew 27:62-66
The physical resurrection of Jesus Christ is a proven fact. There is much corroborating evidence. Lee Stroble documents it in his book, Case for Christ.
Go where He sends you | Matthew 9:1-8
This theme of “Go” is strong through these recent accounts. In addition to this demon account, we have the centurion who understood authority (Matt 8:13).