As you read this, do you wonder if the non-Christians around you hate you? Do they persecute you? Maybe this section was only for Jesus’ disciples at that time?
Category Archives: John
Holy Spirit | John 15:26-27 (AMP)
Jesus came to earth (incarnation) and lived among men. He dies, resurrects to Heaven then “tags” the Holy Spirit who then comes to live in believers.
The best teacher award | John 14:25-26
The Holy Spirit usually does His work through the Word. So, the more of it we can memorize and meditate on, the more we enable the Spirit to do His work in us.
No excuse | John 15:21-25 (ESV)
Anyone who rejects Jesus as Savior is beyond hope. That sin will do them in. They are without excuse – as are all mankind (Romans 1:20).
Faulty Faith | John 12:42-43
These authorities who believed were secret believers. As John records, they loved the glory and praise of men more than the glory and praise of God.
Purposefully planted | John 15:14 – 17
We are “purposefully planted” to bear fruit. A healthy cycle occurs as we pray for what will lead to bearing fruit and God gives it and we bear fruit.
Love one another | John 15:12-14
The ultimate display of love is to completely sacrifice oneself for another. Jesus perfectly and beautifully demonstrated this love by dying in our place…
Jesus joy | John 15:11 (NASB)
If joy could be bought and you went to the store to get some, what kind would you want? God knows what’s best for us and He gives us the best: Jesus joy!
Consequence of not remaining | John 15:6-7
Those that don’t bear fruit are taken away; you might say cut off. They are not just pruned or trimmed, they are cut off from the vine.
Remain ⇒ fruit | John 15:4-5
As we remain in Jesus, we will be fruitful. We cannot bear fruit on our own just as a branch not connected to the vine cannot.