Jesus doesn’t make any apology. Then he reprimanded Annas. Who, but God, can reprimand God’s appointed High Priest, but THE High Priest!
Category Archives: John
The real trial – Peter’s denial | John 18:25-27
Other than Jesus’ trial, the real trial was happening to Peter. Three different witnesses, one an eye witness, testified against him. His only defense -denial.
Knowing the reality | John 13:36-38
Jesus also knew that Peter would indeed die for the faith he is about to deny. Jesus’ focus on the end result gave Him the ability to accept the denial.
Before Abraham, I am | John 8:48 – 59
48 The people retorted, “You Samaritan devil! Didn’t we say all along that you were possessed by a demon?” 49 “No,” Jesus said, “I have no demon in me. For I honor my Father—and you dishonor me. 50 And though I have no wish to glorify myself, God is going to glorify me. He is …
Father’s love (Jesus) in us | John 17:25-26
Jesus wants that the same love the Father has for Jesus to be in His disciples! Do you get that? 1) Do you understand? 2) D you have that love?
See the glory | John 17:22-24
Yet He has even greater glory in Heaven and He so desires His disciples to see it. He already promised in John 14:1-4 that His disciples will be with Him.
Unity for all in Us | John 17:20-21
Jesus and the Father are one. He wants that same oneness among the disciples – not just the 11 but all disciples. Philippians 2:2 instructs us to live in unity.
All about Glory | John 17:1- 5
It’s all about glory, glory for God. Of course. Who else is worthy of all glory? We were created to give Him glory, and we’ll never be fulfilled until we do.
In but not Of the world | John 17:15-19
Jesus saves His disciples out of the world then sends them back into the world as His servants and soldiers, His representatives, to reach the others yet lost.
Not Of the world | John 17:13-14
So to be “not of this world” is to have God’s value system, seek Him for peace, joy, love, etc. Repent of sins. Submit to Him. Follow Him.