Here we have physical healing and spiritual healing. If the sickness is due to sin, the prayer of faith could bring forgiveness… as the sin is confessed.
Author Archives: Doug Schreiber
Solutions in suffering | James 5:12-14
When we are suffering, James gives us actions to take so see relief. Ask for help. Prayer is key. And along with the prayer, we can certainly praise.
Patient persistence | James 5:7-11
Having reproved the rich, James changes topics again as he gets near the end of his letter. It’s a call to patience as we wait for the return of the Lord.
Reproving the Rich | James 5:1-6
“When is enough money enough?” is a spiritual question -a response to the Spirit’s leading as we walk by the Spirit and do not gratify the desires of the flesh.
Pretentious Plans | James 4:13-17
Life all planned out? Have you offered them to the Lord to direct? Or do you make your plans and then tell God to bless them? Good luck with that!
Precarious Position | James 4:11-12
We put ourselves in a precarious position when we judge others. When we do, we judge the Law and, by extension, we judge the Law Giver!
How to be humble | James 4:7-10
James now gives us some practical guidance on how to humble ourselves and gives us hope that if we do humble ourselves (in repentance), God will exalt us
Who’s your friend? | James 4:4-6
Bo Diddley’s song, Who Do You Love? And James makes it clear, you can’t have both. You are either a friend of God or the World; we love God or the World.
Derailed desires | James 4:1-3
We have derailed desires and egregious expectations and then we either don’t ask or, when we do ask, we ask for the wrong reasons.
God’s wisdom | James 3:13-18
We know we have God’s wisdom (the ability to view life from God’s perspective) when we see these characteristics play out in our lives, in our good works.