And this salvation from our worthless life did not come cheaply. It was with an immeasurable cost – not with what we consider highly valuable.
Author Archives: Doug Schreiber
Reverent fear | 1 Peter 1:17
So as we live here, he calls us to live in reverent fear. What does that mean? The AMP translates it as, “with profound respect for Him”, which I really like.
Source of hope | 1 Peter 1:13-16
Take action. Prepare our minds and place our hope in the right person. We are to be obedient, free from worldly passions…to be holy as God is holy.
Example of suffering | 1 Peter 1:10-12
Having just told his readers to rejoice in their trials, Peter now tells them that they aren’t alone in their suffering. In fact, Christ Himself, also suffered.
Unseen Savior | 1 Peter 1:8-9
As a new believer, I was told to believe in a Savior I couldn’t see. Yet at the same time I knew that I knew Him and dare I say, loved Him. He had changed me
Trials for a while | 1 Peter 1:6-7
Who would ever be motivated to believe in a faith that requires you to suffer? That’s a crazy faith! But yes, Christianity is a crazy faith.
Imperishable inheritance | 1 Peter 1:3-5
Can you lose what God has given you and is protecting? I think not. Rest in that. Keep your faith firmly placed in this truth.
Chosen by the trinity | 1 Peter 1:1-2
Peter starts with one a pillarof Ch ristian theology: the Trinity, God is 3 persons, 1 God. He sets it in another pillar – we are chosen by God for salvation.
Effective prayer | James 5:16-18
The power of prayer is well known throughout the Bible. Effective prayer of a righteous person can have much great impact. We have Christ’s righteousness.
Effective correction | James 5:19-20
“Bringing someone back” to the truth. See a brother in a sin (Galatians 6:1, Matthew 18:15-18) and they lovingly confront them as Jesus lays out.