How do you actively engage in the body? Is it in a life giving way? What do you need to change? Ask the Spirit to do that and you follow His lead.
Monthly Archives: December 2024
Created equal | 1 Peter 3:7
In God’s economy (salvation, spiritual blessings in Heaven, etc.) husbands and wives are equal. We have the same means to be saved (Romans 3:23, 6:23).
Trust God to trust husband | 1 Peter 3:1-6
Wives, are you bombarded with the world’s way of thinking – that husbands and wives are equal in all ways? We see that, by God’s design, that’s not true.
Epitome of suffering example | 1 Peter 2:21-25
We have the example and call to follow it, but who of us will suffer like Jesus? The answer (v24): we are called to die to sin and live for righteousness.
Stoic suffering servants | 1 Peter 2:18-20
Work needs to be balanced with life, especially our spiritual life. Is it draining the life out of us and stealing our time from worship and service to God?
Fear God, honor the King | 1 Peter 2:16-17
How are you doing with honoring the authorities over you? Be careful. For example, if you dislike a political leader, watch how you speak about them.
Submit to authority | 1 Peter 2:13-15
As we submit to the authorities over us, we honor God, the giver of all authority, as Romans 13:1 tells us. How did you do in COVID?
Bring glory to God | 1 Peter 2:11-12
Let’s evaluate our lives. Are shining our light in a way others see and then glorify God? We can’t control them but we can control our behavior inwardly.
Chosen people | 1 Peter 2:9-10
Have you accepted God’s grace by confessing & repenting of your sins and believing Christ paid the penalty to restore your relationship with God? Tap for more.
Stumbling block | 1 Peter 2:7-8
Jesus is a stumbling block, an offense. Why? Pride. Jesus calls all who want to receive Him to repent of their sins which requires a humble act of confession.