But are we adding to the Gospel? Is it my particular prayers, my wonderful worship, my colossal contribution to the churches coffers?
Monthly Archives: August 2024
Sent through Jesus Christ | Galatians 1:1-5
“Jesus gave the greatest gift He could; He gave himself. There is a sense in which we do not even begin to give until we give ourselves.” (enduringword.com)
Unhindered gospel | Acts 28:28-3
This expression (“unhindered”), which is literally Luke’s last word in Acts, says that largely through Paul’s activities, the Church is now unhindered.
Parting shot | Acts 28:23-27
Realizing they would not believe, Paul, inspired by the Spirit, quotes from Isaiah 6:9-10. It’s his final parting shot. He urges them to believe in Jesus.
Why am I here? | Acts 28:17-22
Paul quickly arranged to meet with the Jewish leaders to explain why he is in Rome and why the chains. 1st he explains that, though in chains, he is innocent.
Guarded freedom | Acts 28:11-16
Paul was a prisoner so he needs to be guarded. But (possibly due to his great help on the voyage) he was given freedoms not often accorded to prisoners.
Grow where planted | Acts 28:7-10
Are we a blessing to others? Do we use the gifts and abilities and resources to bless others … in Jesus’ name? What are those good works God has for us to do?
Condemnation to veneration | Acts 28*:1-6
As Paul didn’t succumb to the snake bite, the islanders were amazed. Were they were wrong? Was Paul not a criminal afterall? Maybe he is actually a god!
Crash landing – as promised | Acts 27:39-44
There’s a powerful message here. 2 Cor 1:5 says we will suffer. And God has appointed us to certain suffering…for many purposes. And these will come to pass.
Effective encouragement | Acts 27:27-38
What a powerful man Paul is. It’s not his physical strength that convinces people and encourages them but his spiritual and emotional strength from the Lord.