Stephen tells his accusers, “You have rejected Jesus, who was like Moses yet greater than him, and you deny that Jesus rights to be ruler and judge over you.
Monthly Archives: April 2024
History trial – safe in Egypt | Acts 7:9-16
Stephen continues the history lesson with Israel’s move to Egypt to avoid a famine in Canaan. God also protected them in Egypt through Joseph.
History trial – Abraham | Acts 7:1-8
Along with the call, God promised to give Abraham and his descendants an inheritance. Abraham, though childless at the time, believed God.
Power beyond the Apostles | Acts 6:8-15
As noted before, as the apostles are not just praying and teaching but also serving, so the deacons were not just handling church matters, but also did ministry
Surprise disciples | Acts 6:7
What could be more wonderful than this? Some of the Jewish priests, those that were the most outspoken against Jesus as Messiah are now repenting and believing.
Overlooked for food | Acts 6:1-6
God gave the 12 wisdom for how to respond to the situation. It may seem they were proud and aloof -not wanting to get involved in serving. But I don’t think so.
Shame for His name | Acts 5:40-42
The 12 went out rejoicing! For suffering and being humiliated! Are they nuts?! Study this and probe to find out why. We can learn much from them.
Wisdom in action | Acts 5:33-39
The wisdom that Gamaliel provides the council is quite powerful. If he was swayed by Jesus, he would have been a follower by now, even if secretly.
Responding to guilt | Acts 5:27-32
Guilt is setting in. As the apostles preached Jesus, crucified and risen from the dead, it seems the religious leaders were getting convicted of crucifying Him.
Right under their noses | Acts 5:21b-26
The leaders were gathering in the temple to try the apostles. Yet the apostles were at the same time in the temple area preaching Jesus, right under their noses