After ministry in Samaria, an angel calls him to a desert road to Gaza. Philip obeyed the angel and went, not knowing where or why; he just obeyed.
Monthly Archives: April 2024
Simon’s sin baggage | Acts 8:14-25
Simon has a lot of baggage from his former life as a sorcerer, doing the work of the Devil. This is revealed in an ugly way. Peter rebukes him quite severely.
“Amazer” becomes amazed | Acts 8:9-13
Even Simon believes what Philip is preaching and gets baptized. He hangs around Philip – to keep seeing the miracles. The one who amazed others becomes amazed!
Philip to Samaria | Acts 8:4-8
Philip had a gift of evangelism along with a gift of healing. He used them for the sake and benefit of the Gospel quite effectively. Many came to faith.
Persecution spreads the Gospel | Acts 8:1-3
Luke describes the stoning of Stephen as the beginning of a “great persecution” of Christians. Those who went were fulfilling Acts 1:8, Jesus’ command to go.
Stephen stoned – meets His Maker | Acts 7:54-60
Jesus told His disciples to expect tribulation (John 16:33) and persecution – even in court (Luke 12:11). Stephen, a disciple, is experiencing the fulfillment.
Hit ‘em ‘tween the eyes | Acts 7:51-53
This is not just preached to the Jewish leaders judging Stephen and then killing him. It’s preached to you and me. Check over this list prayerfully.
History trial – God’s dwelling | Acts 7:44-50
Stephen concludes by telling his prosecutors and judges that though the Temple is magnificent, God had declared the obvious – it could in no way contain Him.
History trial – wrong worship | Acts 7:39-43
After God’s deliverance of Israel from Egypt through the Red Sea, they still rejected Moses – and God Himself. They longed to return to Egypt and its gods.
History trial – Moses delivers | Acts 7:30-38
Yesterday showed the Jews (represented by the man in the fight) rejected Moses – as they rejected Jesus. And this Moses was God’s chosen deliverer – like Jesus.