Three months later it becomes known that Tamar is pregnant. Judah calls for her to be killed for what she’s done…until he knows the baby is his.
Monthly Archives: March 2023
Scheme conceived to conceive | Genesis 38:12-19
Tamar conceived a scheme to conceive the son she “deserves”. It’s likely that she has been plotting this for a while and was just looking for the right timing.
Judah’s sin and rip-off | Genesis 38:1-11
Judah’s 3rd son was supposed to marry Tamar per the levirate custom. But Judah didn’t want him to also die so he lied to Tamar and withheld his son from her.
Hope in suffering | Genesis 37:31-36
If you don’t know the story, you can guess that God is preparing something special in this suffering. It’s no coincidence that this is where Joseph ends up.
Sold to slavery | Genesis 37:25-30
So Joseph is hauled up out of the cistern and sold off to the slave traders. These guys were fellow descendents of Abraham (through his first son, Ishmael).
This is the pits! | Genesis 37:18-24
Before he arrives, they quickly plot together how to kill him – kill him then dump him in a water cistern too deep to escape from.
Searching for trouble | Genesis 37:12-17
Joseph dutifully heads out searching for his brothers. As we’ll see tomorrow, he was searching for trouble. He goes and can’t find them.
Dream #2 – sun moon stars | Genesis 37:9-11
As we saw yesterday, this infuriated the brothers. This second dream is very similar in content and nature. It expands to include Jacob and his wife.
Joseph’s Dream – wheat | Genesis 37:5-8
The Bible tells us that God may speak through dreams, but it doesn’t give us a guidebook for dream interpretation. Most of all, know the Bible to know …
Joseph’s story begins | Genesis 37:1-4
The spotlight shifts to Joseph and will remain on him through the end of the book. It doesn’t start well. His brothers hate him from a young age