There is a final judgment. All mankind will be judged. Good works will never be enough to meet God’s perfect, holy, standard. Which fish are you?
Tag Archives: salvation
Wheat and weeds explained | Matthew 13:36-43
What is the point of the wheat and weeds parable? Do you know what each represents? Maybe you are one of them? You should hope so. But you _can_ know. How?
Separating wheat and weeds | Matthew 13:24-30
A harvest is coming, a final judgment, when all mankind will be judged. The wicked shall be burned and the righteous will be collected and stored for later use.
Two messages | Matthew 12:43-45
There are two messages here. The first, more obvious one, is for the individual. When a demon is cast out replace it with possession by the Holy Spirit,
Confessing Christ | Matthew 10:32-33
If you have denied Jesus or not given Him the glory He deserves, do as my friend did. Repent and ask God to give you the courage and words to say next time.
Secure foundation? | Matthew 7:24-27
Jesus uses this word picture to teach His followers how to not deceive themselves and get a surprise ending: consider what our life is built upon and act on it.
Surprise ending | Matthew 7:21-23
But they will get a surprise ending – rejection from God…for rejecting Him. In their life, they thought they were Christians. Maybe they grew up in the church.
Blessed are the merciful | Matthew 5:7
Did you (did I) act toward them with mercy? Judgment is easy and costs us nothing. Mercy is not so easy, it requires sacrifice. Just ask God.
Remission not revenge | Genesis 50:15-21
Now the tide has turned and Joseph can get revenge easily. But he understands God’s grace and providence in the whole event. He knows that his own suffering …
The Sky is Falling | Genesis 19:12-14
Remember the children’s story of Chicken Little? Lot ran to his sons-in-law and pleaded with them to heed the warning and leave the city before destruction came