Peter calls on his readers to recall what the prophets prophesied long ago. In addition, these things were commanded by Jesus through the apostles- like Peter.
Tag Archives: salvation
Salvation lost? | 2 Peter 2:20-22
Can salvation be lost? This does not have an easy answer, for many godly theologians believe both no and yes and many flavors or both.
Entrance to Heaven | 2 Peter 1:10-11
In which way will we be provided this entrance into the kingdom of Christ? Our good works of striving for these character qualities? Surely not. How then?
Recipients of grace | 2 Peter 1:1-2
Are you a recipient of God’s grace? If not, click here. If you are, ask if you are living in this grace and, dig in with us as we go through this letter.
Called to Glory | 1 Peter 5:10-11
We are called to God’s eternal glory – after a short time of trials and suffering. Press on, don’t be distracted from the end prize, the glory we will receive.
Through Him we believe | 1 Peter 1:20-21
Through Christ, and Him alone, we believe in God the Father. The Father raised Jesus from the dead after His sacrificial death. He gave glory to Jesus.
Source of hope | 1 Peter 1:13-16
Take action. Prepare our minds and place our hope in the right person. We are to be obedient, free from worldly passions…to be holy as God is holy.
Unseen Savior | 1 Peter 1:8-9
As a new believer, I was told to believe in a Savior I couldn’t see. Yet at the same time I knew that I knew Him and dare I say, loved Him. He had changed me
Imperishable inheritance | 1 Peter 1:3-5
Can you lose what God has given you and is protecting? I think not. Rest in that. Keep your faith firmly placed in this truth.
Gun notch boasting | Galatians 6:11-13
As we read Paul’s various letters it can seem that he is a bit prideful. It’s probably his over exuberant desire for the gospel and people to be saved. And us?