Have you accepted God’s grace by confessing & repenting of your sins and believing Christ paid the penalty to restore your relationship with God? Tap for more.
Tag Archives: repentance
Sinful nature actions | Galatians 5:19-21
A follower of Christ knows their evil sinful nature and its propensity to sin. So the question becomes, what does it mean, “practice”?
Satan-filled heart | Acts 5:1-11
When you read that Satan filled Ananias’ heart, who else comes to mind? Judas? Luke 22:3 tells us, “Satan entered Judas”.
Praise prophesied | Matthew 21:14-16
Jesus replies to these religious leaders with a quote from Psalm 8:2. He tells them: These praises were spoken many centuries earlier; they didn’t see it.
What’s missing? | Matthew 19:16-22
Even after reviewing the list Jesus gives him, he still senses he’s missing something for he says, “what am I still lacking?”
Forgive as forgiven | Matthew 18:23-35
Though this parable provides many teaching points, (like we all like the wicked slave), we can’t miss the main point. Which is? Forgive as we’ve been forgiven.
Keep from perishing | Matthew 18:12-14
Isn’t this comforting? God is “all in” on this! It is His will that none should perish; He will “pull all the stops” to bring this one back to the fold.
Cut it off! | Matthew 18:7-9
Now we can’t remove our hearts so what do we do? Practice Psalm 139:23-24. Ask the Lord to reveal our sin and wicked ways & lead us in the way of righteousness.
Only the sick need healing | Matthew 9:10-13
The people who know they are sick spiritually (sinners) know to seek the spiritual doctor for help. They can humble themselves to seek help.
Winnowing fork | Matthew 3:11-12
The Messiah will sift people in judgment to see who is good “fruit” and who is chaff. The ones who produce no fruit of repentance will be gathered and burned