I have found that confession of sin is a great way to humble ourselves. When we confess our sin to God, we humble ourselves before the King of the universe.
Tag Archives: pride
Humility garments | 1 Peter 5:5
Pride is common to all people. How well do you deal with it? Do you have a practice of putting on humility as a garment? Consider how you can humble yourself.
Stumbling block | 1 Peter 2:7-8
Jesus is a stumbling block, an offense. Why? Pride. Jesus calls all who want to receive Him to repent of their sins which requires a humble act of confession.
Don’t mess with Me | Acts 12:20-25
We also should be careful of pride. It’s so easy, if we do something well in the Kingdom, we receive praise from others. Then we glory in that praise.
True leadership | Matthew 20:24-28
We are fed by pride. The best way to counter this is to humble ourselves. Follow the instructions of 1 Peter 5:6-7, “Therefore humble yourselves