When we become a Christian, when we die with Christ, our new spiritual man (being) evicts the old me (mind, emotions, will) and Christ comes in to rule.
Tag Archives: Paul
Repossessed | Galatians 2:17-21
Have we realized that to be followers of Christ, we have exchanged our sinful life for His life of righteousness? We belong to Christ now, not to ourselves.
Justification in a nutshell | Galatians 2:15-16
To be justified means to be declared righteous before God, i.e, to enjoy a status or standing of being in a right relationship with God – being accepted by him.
Super apostle Peter | Galatians 2:11-14
No matter how you stack it, Peter sinned and in a major and public way. It was serious. What does that tell us? We need to be Bereans and evaluate what we hear.
Continued isolation | Galatians 1:18-24
Paul’s emphasis on the truthfulness and validity of his preaching was critical to acceptance. People want confince in what they believe about their eternity.
Unhindered gospel | Acts 28:28-3
This expression (“unhindered”), which is literally Luke’s last word in Acts, says that largely through Paul’s activities, the Church is now unhindered.
Why am I here? | Acts 28:17-22
Paul quickly arranged to meet with the Jewish leaders to explain why he is in Rome and why the chains. 1st he explains that, though in chains, he is innocent.
Guarded freedom | Acts 28:11-16
Paul was a prisoner so he needs to be guarded. But (possibly due to his great help on the voyage) he was given freedoms not often accorded to prisoners.
Grow where planted | Acts 28:7-10
Are we a blessing to others? Do we use the gifts and abilities and resources to bless others … in Jesus’ name? What are those good works God has for us to do?
Condemnation to veneration | Acts 28*:1-6
As Paul didn’t succumb to the snake bite, the islanders were amazed. Were they were wrong? Was Paul not a criminal afterall? Maybe he is actually a god!