Imagine the thoughts and emotions flooding Him. He was receiving this pure demonstration of love while at the same time realizing it was pointing to His death.
Tag Archives: Passion
Gotta tell somebody! | John 20:17-18
I’m pretty sure the “came” in verse 18 means she actually ran and the “announced” was a jubilant cry of excitement and wonder.
Grief to belief | John 20:11-16
In shocked dis-belief that is rapidly becoming belief, she replies, “Rabbi” – which is probably the name she called Him and best reflected their relationship.
Finally believe | John 20:1-10
When John goes into the empty tomb and sees the linens, he tells us that then he believed – that He must die and rise from the dead.
Secret disciples | John 19:38-42
Though Jesus calls us to let our light shine (Matt 5:16), to make disciples (Matt 28:19) and tell others, some believe but are not obedient in these ways.
More Crucifixion Prophecy | John 19:31-37
How could the writers of the Old Testament know hundreds of years in advance – and to this level of specificity? How many are necessary to prove the Bible?
It is finished | John 19:28-30
Jesus wasn’t under the contract of death due to sin. For Him to die, He had to willingly give up His spirit. His mission for His incarnation was finished.
Lots of Prophecy | John 19:23-27
This was prophesied in Psalm 22:16-18. It’s amazing such details were prophesied so many years earlier! In fact, there are lots of prophecies about His death.
To the Skull, Calvary | John 19:17-22
Where did they take Him? To the Place of the Skull. Did you know that “Calvary”, is actually a transliteration of the Latin calvaria meaning “place of a skull”?
Playing the Caesar card | John 19:12-16
The Jewish rulers decided to put an end to the struggle by playing the Caesar card. They claimed Caesar as their king. To release Jesus was not an option.