The main point for the genealogies with all the detail is to trace the lineage of the Israelites as well as those that are related to them-like the Canaanites.
Tag Archives: noah
Noah’s legacy – Ham | Genesis 10:6- 20
Two of Ham’s descendants are noteworthy. One is Canaan, who received the prophetic curse from Ham’s sin in chapter 9. The other is Nimrod, a “mighty one one”.
Noah’s legacy | Genesis 9:29-10:5
Righteous Noah, as all mankind, proved he was under the control of his sinful nature. He got drunk and exposed himself. His son sinned impacting Noah’s line.
First sin again | Genesis 9:18-28
A few months after they were out of the Ark and restarting civilisation, sin is back on the scene. But is it ever far from anyone at any time?
Rainbow covenant | Genesis 9:8-17
The rainbow was created by God to be a sign of promise, a covenant, between Him and mankind – and all flesh (the animals, birds and things).
Life in the blood | Genesis 9:1-7
Meat with blood – don’t eat it because the life is in the blood. It is sacred. To many, even the sight of blood makes them queasy.
First things first | Genesis 8:20-22
If you had been on the Ark for a year, what’s the first thing you would have done? Go for a run? Build a fence and herd the animals? Noah offers a sacrifice.
Awaiting God’s timing | Genesis 8:13-19
Why did they wait? He waited for God’s timing. It’s clear that they didn’t exit the Ark until God commanded them. Noah obeys and trusts in the Lord.
God remembered Noah | Genesis 8:1 – 12
What’s the main message of this passage? God remembered Noah (and all those on the ark). Of course He did, but God makes a point of highlighting this.
Water or blood washing | Genesis 7:17- 24
All who trust in Christ alone are washed by Christ’s blood – symbolized by baptism. Those who reject God are washed away in death, eternal separation from God.