John called a spade a spade. John confronted him. Herod Antipas didn’t like being “called out” in public for his sin so wanted to kill John.
Tag Archives: John
Confused condemnation | Matthew 11:16-19
The generation is confused. “The idea is that those who have a heart to criticize will find something to criticize.” (
Big shoes | Matthew 11: 7-15
In all human history, Jesus says no one is greater than John the Baptist! Wow, what big shoes to fill. That’s referring to Abraham the man of faith (Gal 3:9)…
Proof of the pudding | Matthew 11:2-6
Jesus does not reprimand John for asking the question. He simply tells his disciples to report all the miracles that Jesus is doing and preaching of the Gospel.
Jesus’ ministry begins | Matthew 4:12-17
What message did Jesus preach? It’s the same message as John the Baptist, his forerunner. Repent! (Matthew 3:2) This same message applies to people today.
John’s message – Repent! | Matthew 3:1-6
John had one simple yet profound message. “Repent!” Many responded and then demonstrated their repentance by confessing their sins and having John baptize them.