Through Christ, and Him alone, we believe in God the Father. The Father raised Jesus from the dead after His sacrificial death. He gave glory to Jesus.
Tag Archives: Jesus is God
Jesus needs baptism? | Matthew 3:13-15
John represents us in asking, “Why do you, Jesus, need to be baptized? You are the Messiah, the Savior. How can I, a sinner, baptize you, the sinless Savior?”
A Prophet like Moses | Acts 3:22-26
As Peter concludes his preaching, he again points back to prophecy – as he did in his first sermon (Acts 2:14-36). This time, it’s to Moses.
Beyond all doubt | Acts 2:34-36
So if the last OT quote didn’t convince them of Jesus’ identity as the promised Messiah, then this one from Psalm 110:1 will.
Awestruck with wonder | Matthew 17:4-8
As Peter unveils this grand plan, suddenly clouds come, the Father speaks. They are awestruck with wonder. They realize they’re in the presence of a holy God.
Makings of a mocking | Matthew 27:27-31
They mocked Him as king. But the writer of Hebrews records that Jesus is God and seated at the right hand of God, the Father.
Corrupt but Correct judgment | Matthew 26:65-68
Actually, their corrupt process leads to a correct judgment. But it’s not correct according to their false accusations. It’s correct according to God’s plan.
Lynching by Kangaroo Court | Matthew 26:59-64
Not only does He accept this title, He adds to it that He will be seated in Heaven and come with the clouds. This is a clear claim to be God.
Father’s will be done | Matthew 26:51-54
The Father’s will will be done! Prophecy will be fulfilled! Sin will be atoned for! Christ will rise victorious over sin and death and set all captives free!
Face the Father | Matthew 26:39-41
Here’s so much about Jesus & His relationship w/ the Father. Remember, this is Jesus, the Son of God; God in human flesh, with all the encumbrances of humanity.