What’s in our heart controls our tongue. Do you apply a filter to protect your heart and dwell only on whatever is true, …Philippians 4:8-9
Tag Archives: holy spirit
Keep in step | Galatians 5:24-26
The obedient dog (picture) looks up to the master and pays attention to where the owner is going and to see if they are giving them a command…or a treat!
Spirit’s fruit in us | Galatians 5:22-23
Paul is talking about perfect, God-produced fruit. Fruit that will last. “Fruit isn’t achieved by working, but is birthed by abiding.”
Agrippa on the spot | Acts 26:28-32
Like Agrippa, are you being convicted of the truth of the gospel, your need to confess your sins, repent, and call out in faith to Jesus for salvation?
Theological caution | Acts 19:1-7
As said previously, be Bereans and check closely what we are taught. Read the link above for additional doctrinal errors in the UPC…and avoid this teaching.
Gospel preparation | Acts 16:11-15
When you share the good news with others (and we should be), who does the work? We have our part but are mistaken to think it’s all up to us -or to act like it.
Walk by the Spirit | Galatians 5:16-24
When you walk the walk of life, are you doing it on your own? You will likely follow the desires of the flesh. Or do you stick to the Spirit & go where He goes?
Spirit falls on Gentiles | Acts 10:44-48
This is a big deal for the early church (and us). It demonstrates (starting with God’s vision for Peter) that Gentiles are equally welcome in the Kingdom.
Simon’s sin baggage | Acts 8:14-25
Simon has a lot of baggage from his former life as a sorcerer, doing the work of the Devil. This is revealed in an ugly way. Peter rebukes him quite severely.
Philip to Samaria | Acts 8:4-8
Philip had a gift of evangelism along with a gift of healing. He used them for the sake and benefit of the Gospel quite effectively. Many came to faith.