All the apostles were doing many signs and wonders. It must have been amazing. God was answering their earlier prayer of Acts 4:30.
Tag Archives: fear
Fear of the known | Matthew 14:22-27
Usually fear is associated with the unknown. In this case, there’s a twist. The disciples saw what appeared to be Jesus but assumed was a ghost.
Fostering faith, facing fear | Matthew 8:23-27
They wake up Jesus and He first rebukes them for their lack of faith. They had heard Jesus speak with authority and seen him heal a multitude of sick folk.
Desperate cry | Genesis 32:6-12
Have you been there? The “sky is falling” around you. You are afraid of what might happen or what might not happen – like the horrible situation won’t change.
Father’s Failure -> Family | Genesis 19:30-38
It’s not just Lot’s sin of drunkenness that leads to this incident. It’s also his fear; it was contagious. His daughters feared they’d never have families.