We’re slaves to whatever controls us (v19) “Slavery, after all, occurs whenever one is under the control of some influence, not just some other person.”
Tag Archives: deception
Yeast of deceptive religion | Matthew 16:5-12
Is there any deceptive teaching occurring today? In the “Christian” church? You’d better believe it! Actually, you’d better not! Many cults exist.
Grab the bait | Genesis 34:18-24
Yesterday, we read the proposal. Today we see Hamor and Shechem take the bait – and Shecmem did it immediately since he was so infatuated with Dinah!
Planning treachery | Genesis 34:13-17
Jacob’s sons (led by Simeon and Levi, direct brothers of Dinah), are very offended by the situation and seek revenge. They quickly concoct a dastardly plan.
Search for gods | Genesis 31:31-35
He searched high and low but could not find his gods. It seems kind of ridiculous that his “gods” were even stolen and now he couldn’t find them!
Setting out | Genesis 31:14-21
Jacob doesn’t talk to Laban about his plan. Rather, he just secretly hit the road. He gets his whole troop across the river and hits the open road.
Trickster is tricked | Genesis 30:37-43
It’s difficult to see how God would work in these schemes. But we must keep in mind that He has a will and a plan and will carry it out.
Born cheat | Genesis 30:31-36
Before Jacob could go through the flocks (per the agreement), Laban takes all the non-white animals and moves them a 3-day’s distance away from Jacob
Bait and switch | Genesis 29:21-30
He baited Jacob with Rachel then slipped Leah in instead so that Jacob married Leah. Now he was married to Leah. The deceiver (Gen 27:26-29) had been deceived.
God’s plan prevails | Genesis 27:39-45
Regardless, what is missing? Faith in the promise of God. However, we know that God will work through this lack of faith to accomplish His sovereign will.