Though we don’t use covenants as they did then, we still have them. Marriage is the best example. It is meant to not be broken and it doesn’t change
Tag Archives: covenant
Bye bye Laban | Genesis 31:51-55
Laban “rides off into the sunset” and we never hear of him again. He is not part of the line of Christ and has no other interaction with God’s chosen people.
Mine, mine all mine | Genesis 31:43-50
He acts like a little bully who just lost a fight: “It’s mine, mine, all mine!” He makes a baseless claim to try and restore some semblance of dignity.
Conditional vow | Genesis 28:18-22
Jacob now makes a conditional vow with the Lord. IF He will do all these things (basically bless him and protect him), THEN he will serve the Lord.
Permanent foothold -Abraham | Genesis 21:25-34
With this well, Abraham gains a permanent foothold in Canaan. It’s nowhere near possession of the whole land as God promised but it’s a start; just like Isaac.
Unspoken testimony | Genesis 21:22-24
Abraham’s life and actions had an unspoken testimony to Abimelech – both bad and good. Thankfully God redeemed the first encounter and further demonstrated …
Covenant of Circumcision | Genesis 17:9-14
But Christians (male and female) should be circumcised…in the heart. Colossians 2:8–12 (ESV) says, “In him also you were circumcised with a …
Preparation for the promise | Genesis 17:1-8
In preparation for this promised son, the Lord gives new names to Abram and Sarai, He gives a new covenant symbolized by circumcision, and renews the promises.
OK to ask | Genesis 15:7-11 (ESV)
Does this show a lack of the faith he was just praised for? Or, is it an honest question that says, “I believe, can you let me in on the details?”
Rainbow covenant | Genesis 9:8-17
The rainbow was created by God to be a sign of promise, a covenant, between Him and mankind – and all flesh (the animals, birds and things).