We want to see! So Jesus healed them immediately! And the better news is, they began to follow Him. That’s the end goal of every miracle.
Tag Archives: confess
Cut it off! | Matthew 18:7-9
Now we can’t remove our hearts so what do we do? Practice Psalm 139:23-24. Ask the Lord to reveal our sin and wicked ways & lead us in the way of righteousness.
Spiritual digestion | Matthew 15:15-20
Is there sin that you have not confessed? Jesus urges us to confess and repent. Confession and repentance is not just a one-time act at conversion.
Confessing Christ | Matthew 10:32-33
If you have denied Jesus or not given Him the glory He deserves, do as my friend did. Repent and ask God to give you the courage and words to say next time.
Blind judgment | Matthew 7:1-5
Jesus now addresses the way we think of and treat others. He tackles a sin that is common to all of us – hypocritically judging others.
Wash and be clean | John 13:5-11
5 Then He poured water into the basin and began washing the disciples’ feet and wiping them with the towel which was tied around His waist. 6 When He came to Simon Peter, he said to Him, “Lord, are You going to wash my feet?” 7 Jesus replied to him, “You do not realize now …
You’re not alone | Ezra 10:3-6 (ESV)
As you take a step of faith to obey, as difficult as it may be, know you are not alone. “He will not fail you or forsake you.” (Deut 31:6)