Even though Ishmael wasn’t the chosen son, God still blesses him. What did he do to deserve it? Nothing. What did Abram do? Nothing. What do we do? Nothing.
Tag Archives: blessing
Abram’s faith fails | Genesis 12:10-20
He fears for his life and trusts in his wife! Why did he fail? Is there some relation to the fact of the famine? Did that cause Abram to start to fear?
Blessed to bless | Genesis 12:1-3
Abram was blessed to bless. It wasn’t to be kept to himself. It meant God had a purpose for his life. You have been blessed. How are you sharing that blessing?
Blessing & responsibility – 6 | Genesis 1:27-31
What was the blessing? Unlimited food supply; a command to obey; dominion over God’s creation – a purpose. Part of the blessing was sex.
Stop 5 – Conquering Canaan | Nehemiah 9:22-25 (NLT)
“22 Then you helped our ancestors conquer kingdoms and nations, and you placed your people in every corner of the land. They took over the land of King Sihon of Heshbon and the land of King Og of Bashan. 23 You made their descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and brought them …
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Stop 4 – Desert desertion | Neh 9:16-21 (NLT)
But Israel rejected it. They turned their back on God and all his blessings and provisions. They constantly complained …
Ask for blessing | Zechariah 10:1-2 (NLT)
Where do we look for blessings. Our job, our friends, family, hobbies, … are NOT sources of blessings but curses – when they are sought in place of the Lord.
Purposed, not proposed… | Zechariah 8:14-17 (ESV)
Should we not do the same? Shall we purpose to do His will and obey His commands? They are not burdensome. (1 John 5:3)
But now… | Zechariah 8:9-13 (ESV)
What kind of God is that?! His people sin and reject / neglect Him and He, in His time and way, forgives and blesses – even before forgiveness is sought.
Compare – dis/obedience | Haggai 2:15-19 (NLT)
“But from this day onward I will bless you.” Did this blessing continue? Yes, as long as Israel continued to obey. I think the message for us is pretty clear!