Do you find it amazing that we should receive any glory, sinners such as we are before a righteous, holy God?! And how does it compre to man’s glory?
Tag Archives: blessing
Created equal | 1 Peter 3:7
In God’s economy (salvation, spiritual blessings in Heaven, etc.) husbands and wives are equal. We have the same means to be saved (Romans 3:23, 6:23).
Marks of ownership | Galatians 6:16-18
Do we have marks of our Master, Jesus? Maybe not physical, but have we suffered for serving Him? Jesus told His disciples they (we) should expect suffering.
Receiving line | Matthew 10:40-42
Receive a prophet, get a prophet’s reward. Receive a righteous person, get a righteous person’s reward. And welcoming a disciple will not lose their reward.
Worry or worship? | Matthew 6:28-30
So should we worry? Or should we choose to worship, to give thanks to the Heavenly Father for what He so generously provides?
Rachel’s sons | Genesis 49:22-27
I encourage you to meditate on these names of God. What does it mean that He is almighty? He is your Father. Take comfort in these words.
Lost first place – Reuben | Genesis 49:1-4
For one, we should not assume that our position, gifts or works will guarantee our future – even in Heaven. God sees our hearts.
Reverse blessing? | Genesis 48:17-22
Let’s be sure to not put God in a box of our own making. God can, and does, do whatever He pleases – He is God in the Heavens! (Psalm 115:3)
Blessing of thankfulness | Genesis 48:8-16
Do we know God is our Shepherd? He is leading us throughout our lives. Sometimes, as dumb sheep, we don’t follow, and we suffer.
Indulgent blessing | Genesis 45:21-24
Why does Joseph send a bunch of stuff from Egypt that they’ll have to just bring right back when they move to Egypt? Isn’t that a waste of resources?