Having just told his readers to rejoice in their trials, Peter now tells them that they aren’t alone in their suffering. In fact, Christ Himself, also suffered.
Tag Archives: angels
Philip obeys angel | Acts 8:26-40
After ministry in Samaria, an angel calls him to a desert road to Gaza. Philip obeyed the angel and went, not knowing where or why; he just obeyed.
Guardian angels | Matthew 18:10
In regard to humans is angels are, “ministering spirits, sent out to provide service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation” (Hebrews 1:14).
Pharisees fear the facts | Matthew 12:22-24
The Pharisees, for their part, fear the facts. They try to dismiss it as they did in Matthew 9:32-34 when Jesus healed a mute, demon-possessed man.
Wrestle for life | Genesis 32:22-32
Why could the man (God or an angel) not “prevail against Jabob”? He’s certainly more powerful; he dislocated Jacob’s hip with a touch.
Angels of encouragement | Genesis 32:1-5
As he sets out, angels (not just one) meet him on the way. The text indicates a “camp” of angels. It’s like Jacob has his camp and God provided another camp.