16 Peace and mercy be upon all who walk by this rule [who discipline themselves and conduct their lives by this principle], and upon the [true] Israel of God (Jewish believers).
17 From now on let no one trouble me [by making it necessary for me to justify my authority as an apostle, and the absolute truth of the gospel], for I bear on my body the [d]branding-marks of Jesus [the wounds, scars, and other outward evidence of persecutions—these testify to His ownership of me].
18 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, my [e]brothers and sisters. Amen.
Galatians 6:16-18 (AMP) 中文
The end
We have reached the end of this amazing letter from Paul to the churches in the area of Galatia. Paul started off this letter by ringing the necks of his audience. They had quickly deserted the true Gospel of salvation by faith plus nothing and turned to a false gospel peddled by Jewish religious folks. This false gospel teaches that Christ is not enough; they need to follow Jewish traditions and OT laws as well. Paul proved his credibility to address the matter and why their theology is false – and dangerous. He addressed the Jews then Gentiles and now gives practical application.
Blessing from Paul
What’s the rule Paul refers to in v16? The context is v15: nothing about circumcision matters; the main issue is a new creation – which only occurs through salvation by faith in Christ alone. Paul pronounces a blessing on those who believe this. It’s a blessing of peace with God and mercy from God. Then he makes special mention of the Jewish believers, the (true) Israel of God. You might say they are doubly chosen: chosen as descendants of Abraham physically by blood, and chosen as his descendants spiritually by blood – Christ’s shed blood.
Marks of ownership
Paul, in this final word, says he really doesn’t want all this trouble from the Judaizers (or anyone else that would challenge the true Gospel he preaches). He’s already suffered much for the Gospel and has the physical marks on his body (as AMP enumerates) to prove it (2 Corinthians 11:16-33). I like how the AMP adds, “these testify to His ownership of me”. Indeed, as a slave often is “branded”, so Paul (and all followers of Christ) submits to Jesus as Lord and Master as our owner.
Final blessing
Earlier, in v 16, Paul blessed them with peace and mercy. Now he blessed them with grace. You’ve probably heard it explained the difference between grace, mercy and judgment? Judgment is getting what you deserve. Mercy, not getting what you deserve. And grace – getting what you do not deserve. So he blesses them with grace from God.
As a benediction to this letter, he asks for this for them. “If this were so, they would walk in a grace relationship with God instead of the legal, performance-based relationship that endangered them so. This is an appropriate end for the letter and prayer for all our lives.” (enduringword.com)
- Do we have marks of our Master, Jesus? Maybe not physical marks as Paul, but have we suffered for serving Him? Jesus did not promise a “bed of roses” as many “name it and claim it” preachers like to preach. Rather, He told His disciples quite plainly that they (we) should expect suffering (John 16:33). There’s a thought, even a book: Don’t waste your cancer. Difficulties in life, esp. when serving the Lord, are opportunities to learn and grow.
- Let us rejoice in the grace of God toward us. That He would call and choose us to be His, to be true children of God (1 John 3:1-3), is grace unimaginable. That He would save a wretch like me, even one who opposed and rejected Him is crazy love!